I also used WampServer for a very long time, I then switched to laragon because I found it more pliable for switching between versions of PHP and mysql and MariaDB.
It also allows you to use HeidySQL as well as phpMyAdmin. However, these are personal choices, just as it is a definite personal choice not to want to rely on external components.
The fact remains that so far no one has yet answered my main question: is there any incompatibility problem in migrating from a "MariaDB" db to a "mysql" db?
To do so, is it sufficient to do the download of the "MariaDB" db and then load it into the mysql environment?
Or is there a risk of making a mess?
Even using Akeeba, if I do the download with Akeeba from a hosting with MariaDB and then restore the site to another hosting with mysql, are we sure no problems arise?
It also allows you to use HeidySQL as well as phpMyAdmin. However, these are personal choices, just as it is a definite personal choice not to want to rely on external components.
The fact remains that so far no one has yet answered my main question: is there any incompatibility problem in migrating from a "MariaDB" db to a "mysql" db?
To do so, is it sufficient to do the download of the "MariaDB" db and then load it into the mysql environment?
Or is there a risk of making a mess?
Even using Akeeba, if I do the download with Akeeba from a hosting with MariaDB and then restore the site to another hosting with mysql, are we sure no problems arise?
Statistics: Posted by sgiobbio — Thu Jun 13, 2024 5:54 am